Dear members of the EEL Network, This issue focuses on the case law of the Court of Justice, with a lot to discuss since the last News Service. Perhaps most strikingly, the Court’s rulings in cases C-673/13 P and C-442/14 broaden the scope of ‘emissions into the environment’, restricting the possibility to invoke protection of commercial interests as a justification for refusing access to information. Notably, the Court of Justice also interpreted the notion of ‘specific act of national legislation’ under Article 1(5) of the EIA Directive, and ruled on the scope of ‘packaging’ in the Packaging Waste Directive as well as ‘plans and programmes’ under the SEA Directive. Furthermore, an AG recommended the Court to find certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 implementing the ETS Directive invalid for widening the concept of ‘emissions’. Finally, there were international cases, including an Article 8 environmental case at the ECtHR, and an Appellate Body Report in the WTO’s EU-Argentina biodiesel dispute. Additionally, several pertinent news items are discussed. Particularly interesting developments include the entry into force of the Paris Agreement and the subsequent Marrakech Climate Conference, the Signature of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the EU, and the implications of a Trump presidency for climate action. Moreover, the UK lost a high-profile air pollution case against ClientEarth, a lawsuit was filed by an alliance including Greenpeace against the Norwegian state for its arctic oil exploration, and the Wildlife Justice Commission held its first public hearing at the Peace Palace on wildlife trafficking in Vietnam. We are also happy to have the confirmed participation of Ronald Roosdorp (Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs), Laurens Ankersmit (ClientEarth) and Joris Larik (Leiden University) at the conference “Trade and Sustainability: CETA Dissected”, which will take place on 26 January 2017 at the Asser Institute. Best regards, Wybe Douma |
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EU Court judgmentsCJEU rules Spain has violated the Birds Directive and the Habitats DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C-461/14 Commission v Spain (24/11/2016) Court of Justice interprets the EIA DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C-645/15 Bund Naturschutz in Bayern and Wilde(24/11/2016) Court of Justice rules on ‘emissions into the environment’ under Aarhus RegulationCJEU judgment: Case C-673/13 P Commission v Stichting Greenpeace Nederland and PAN Europe (23/11/2016) The case at hand concerns an appeal against the General Court’s prior judgment in case T-545/11, which annulled a Commission decision refusing access to documents relating to glyphosate on the basis of protection of commercial interests. The Commission argued that the General Court had misinterpreted the concept of information relating to emissions into the environment. Essentially, it is possible to refuse access to information using commercial interests as a justification, but not where information relating to emissions within the meaning of Article 6(1) of Regulation 1367/2006 is concerned. In its judgment, the Court clarified that the concept of information relating to emissions into the environment should be interpreted broadly, since a strict interpretation would be inconsistent with the Aarhus Convention. Additionally, the Court found that this concept is not limited to emissions from industrial installations in view of the text of the Aarhus Convention and Regulation 1367/2006. As was also confirmed in the Court’s judgment of the same day in Bayer CropScience and De Bijenstichting (C-442/14), such an interpretation would conflict with Article 4(4) of the Convention, which states that ‘information on emissions which is relevant for the protection of the environment shall be disclosed’ since, where environmental protection is concerned, discharges from non-industrial sources can be equally important as industrial emissions. Moreover, the Court ruled that emissions into the environment under Regulation 1367/2006 do not have to be actual emissions. Whereas Article 6(1) does not cover purely hypothetical emissions, information concerning foreseeable emissions that will be released into the environment under normal or realistic conditions are included under this provision. Ultimately, the Court did consider that the General Court made an error of law by suggesting in paragraph 53 that it suffices for information to relate in a sufficiently direct manner to emissions in the environment for it to be covered by Article 6(1). Thus, the CJEU has referred the case back to the General Court, which should release its final judgment on the matter in approximately nine months. Court of Justice rules on ‘emissions into the environment’ under Directive 2003/4CJEU judgment: Case C-442/14 Bayer CropScience and De Bijenstichting(23/11/2016) The case in question concerns preliminary questions about access to information relating to the effect of the neonicotinoid imidacloprid on bees. De Bijenstichting, a Dutch association for the protection of bees, had requested the information to be disclosed on the basis of Directive 2003/4, whereas Bayer argued that disclosure would inter alia infringe upon the company’s commercial interests. Hence, the Dutch court sought clarification on nine points, of which the key question was whether the discharge of plant protection products, biocides, or substances contained in those products are included in the concept of ‘emissions into the environment’ under the second paragraph of Article 4(2) of Directive 2003/4. This provision states that Member States may not refuse a request to information on the basis of protection of commercial interests where the information relates to emissions into the environment. Using similar logic to that in case C-673/13 P, the Court found that emissions into the environment under Directive 2003/4 are not limited to industrial emissions, and that both actual and foreseeable emissions are covered. Additionally, the Court clarified that the concept does not cover only information on emissions as such, but also information enabling public checks of whether an assessment of emissions is correct, and data on medium to long-term environmental impacts. Following this CJEU judgment, the case will go back to the Dutch Court for a final ruling. The judgments in this case and case C-673/13 P constitute landmark rulings for the freedom of information in the EU, and confirm the Court’s role as a guardian thereof. Also noteworthy in this regard is the General Court’s September ruling in case T-51/15 (PAN Europe v Commission), where the protection of the decision-making process as a justification for precluding access to environmental information was interpreted strictly (see previous News Service). France has violated the Urban Waste Water DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C-314/15 Commission v France (23/11/2016) CJEU interprets concept of ‘specific act of national legislation’ under EIA DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C-348/15 Stadt Wiener Neustadt (17/11/2016) The preliminary questions asked in this case were raised in relation to a decision granting consent for an increase in the processing capacity of a fuel processing plant without subjecting the extension of the project to and EIA. The decision was justified under Austrian law by reference to a provision stipulating that, when a three year time period has expired, a project must be considered lawfully authorised even if it breaches the obligation to perform an EIA. Using a two-step test developed in earlier case law in C‑435/97 (WWF and Others) and Joined Cases C‑128/09 etc. (Boxus and Others), the Court assessed whether the article 1(5) exclusion is applicable to a provision like the one in Austrian law. It was enumerated that the provision must 1) display the same characteristics as a consent within the meaning of article 1(2) of the Directive, and 2) the objectives of the Directive must be achieved through the legislative process. Noting that it was ultimately for the national court to ascertain whether these conditions were satisfied, the Court stated that the requirements were most likely not met in the case at hand. The Court subsequently reasoned that a provision like the one in question would constitute a violation of EU law, pointing to the requirements of the EIA Directive, and its earlier case law in case C‑201/02 (Wells), where it was stated that Member States must take all general or particular measures to remedy a failure to carry out an EIA. Court rules that ‘packaging’ in Packaging Waste Directive includes roll coresCJEU judgment: Joined Cases C‑313/15 and C‑530/15 Eco-Emballages(10/11/2016) Case C-313/15 concerned a preliminary question that arose in proceedings between Eco-Emballages, an organisation that enters into contracts with companies that place packaging on the French market, and meets their obligation to contribute to the elimination of household packaging waste in return for contributions. Eco-Emballages brought charges against a number of parties with whom it had contracted for refusal to pay the financial contributions for certain items that it considered packaging products (i.e. roll cores). The French court opted to ask the CJEU whether Article 3 of Directive 94/62/EC included roll cores. This case was addressed jointly with case C-530/15, which concerned a preliminary question in relation to another French case, where a number of companies brought an action before the French Council of State. The applicants, who were also involved in C-313/15, sought annulment of the Order transposing Directive 2013/2/EU amending the Packaging Waste Directive into French law. The question here was whether Directive 2013/2/EU had misconstrued the concept of ‘packaging’ in the Packaging Waste Directive by including roll cores. The Court referred to its earlier case law in C-341/01 (Plato Plastik Robert Frank), where it had already found that the concept of packaging should be interpreted broadly. Additionally, it considered the criteria for packaging as set out in Article 3(1) of Directive 94/62/EC, finding that these criteria were met by roll cores, and they should therefore be included. This ruling also means that Directive 2013/2/EU did not misconstrue the concept of packaging. CJEU rules that Greece has violated the Habitats DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C-504/14 Commission v Greece (10/11/2016) See also the cases C-103/00 Commission v. Hellenic Republic and C-600/12European Commission v. Hellenic Republic, in which it was already found that Greece failed to implement sufficient protection measures for the same sea turtles. CJEU interprets certain provisions of the SEA DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C-290/15 D’Oultremont and Others (27/10/2016) The Court referred to the Inter-Environnement Wallonie and Terre Wallone (C‑41/11), and Inter-Environnement Bruxelles cases (C‑567/10). In these cases, the Court found that assessments of the delimitation of ‘plans and programmes’ under the SEA Directive must be made in view of Article 1 of that Directive, where the specific objective to subject plans and programmes likely to significantly affect the environment to environmental assessment is laid out. Therefore, the scope of this notion must be interpreted broadly. The Court also addressed a submission of the French Government, which relied on the Aarhus Convention and the Kiev Protocol. According to this argument, the distinction between ‘plans and programmes’, and ‘general rules’, would mean that the order in question would not fall under the SEA Directive, as it would fall into the latter category. The Court rejected this line of reasoning, referring to paragraph 70 of the AG Opinion, where it was pointed out that Directive 2001/42 has no special provisions on policies or general legislation that would distinguish them from ‘plans and programmes’. Court rules on compatibility of Commission Decisions with ETS DirectiveCJEU judgment: Case C‑506/14 Yara Suomi and Others (26/10/2016) The judgment responded to several preliminary questions submitted by a Finnish Court in a case brought by four operators of greenhouse gas-emitting installations (Yara Suomi and Ors.). Reference was made to the Court’s earlier case law in Borealis Polyolefine and Ors. (Joined Cases C-191/14, etc.), where the incompatibility of the relevant provisions in Decision 2013/448 with Directive 2003/87 had already been established. The Court specified that the consequences of the declaration of invalidity are to be limited in temporal scope so that they only take effect 10 months after the judgment in Borealis Polyofeline (i.e. 28 December 2016), and that measures based on the invalidated provisions adopted during that time cannot be called into question. CJEU answers preliminary questions in Belgian renewable energy caseCJEU judgment: Case C‑492/14 Essent Belgium (29/09/2016) The preliminary question was raised in proceedings between Essent Belgium and the Flemish government. Essent claimed that, due to the damage done to its business by the allegedly illegal decisions, it is entitled to EUR 15,958,252 in compensation. The energy producer argued inter alia that the measures had treated green energy differently on the basis of origin, and were therefore discriminatory. This argument has been fronted in earlier CJEU case law, notably Ålands Vindkraft (C-573/12) and Essent Belgium (joined cases C-204 to 208/12). However, as the earlier rulings did not find a breach of EU law, this judgment marks the first time that the Court accepts this line of reasoning. AG OpinionsAG Opinion in case concerning interpretation of term ‘hydropower’ in EU lawAG Opinion: Case C-4/16 J.D. (15/11/2016) The referring court is seeking clarification as to whether the concept of ‘renewable energy sources’ under Directive 2009/28/EC is limited to energy obtained from natural downward flow of surface waters, a detail that, according to the AG, is immaterial. The AG held that all hydropower must be considered energy from renewable sources under the Directive, with the exception of water coming from pumping stations, as stipulated in recital 30 and Article 5(3). Certain provisions of Regulation No 601/2012 invalid, according to AGAG Opinion: Case C-460/15 Schaefer Kalk (10/11/2016) These questions arose in a case involving Schaefer Kalk, a German company that operates an installation for calcification of lime, an activity subject tot the ETS. Schaefer Kalk challenged the German ETS Authority’s decision to reject its request to subtract from its emissions CO2 that had been transferred to another installation for producing precipitated calcium carbonate (PCC). The AG opined that the second subparagraph of Article 49(1) of, and the fourth subparagraph of point 10.B of Annex IV to, Commission Regulation (EU) No 601/2012 should indeed be found invalid insofar as they include in the concept of ‘emissions’ CO2 resulting from calcination of lime and transferred to another installation for producing PCC, without regard for whether or not the CO2 is actually released into the atmosphere. AG recommends CJEU to rule Bulgaria violated ambient air quality DirectiveAG Opinion: Case C-488/15 Commission v Bulgaria (10/11/2016) AG Opinion argues General Court judgment misinterpreted Aarhus ConventionAG Opinion: Case C‑60/15 P Saint-Gobain Glass Deutschland v Commission(19/10/2016) The AG argues that the General Court has erred in its reasoning, which is claimed to be incompatible with provisions of the Aarhus Convention and Regulation No 1367/2006 on the application of Aarhus to EU bodies. In the Opinion, it is argued that the judgement relied on a misinterpretation of Article 4(3) of the Aarhus Convention by interpreting its first subparagraph too broadly, and Article 6(1) of Regulation 1367/2006, where it is specified that grounds for refusal should be interpreted restrictively. International RulingsECtHR finds violation of Article 8 in Moldovan contaminated drinking water caseECtHR judgment: Case of Otgon v. The Republic of Macedonia Reference was made to inter alia Hatton and Others v. the United Kingdom, where it was reiterated that a violation of Article 8 may exist where an individual is directly and seriously affected by pollution. In the same case, it was found that Article 8 may apply in environmental cases where there is direct State responsibility, but also where State responsibility arises from failure to adequately regulate private industry. WTO Appellate Body report in EU-Argentina biodiesel caseWTO Appellate Body Report: Dispute DS473 EU — Biodiesel (06/10/2016) According to the EU, tax breaks in the Argentine national context had allowed biodiesel to be sold at artificially low prices on the European market, putting local producers at a disadvantage. The practical implications of the Appellate Body ruling are that the EU must lower its import duties on Argentine biodiesel to bring them in compliance with international trade law. The findings in this case are relevant to to Dispute DS480, in which Indonesia is bringing similar claims relating to biodiesel against the EU. ICJ rejects Marshall Islands cases claiming no jurisdictionICJ judgments: Marshall Islands v India, Marshall Islands v Pakistan, Marshall Islands v UK (05/10/2016) The islands initiated legal action against the nuclear powers, alleging that they had failed to comply with the obligations of the 1968 Non-Proliferation Treaty. In the proceedings, evidence was presented on the 67 nuclear tests executed at the Bikini and Eniwetok Atolls, which caused devastating effects for the environmental and public health in the Marshall Islands. National CasesLawsuit filed against the construction of a Hydropower Plant in Albania38 individual residents of the village of Kutë and three environmental nonprofit organisations have filed suit against the Albanian government over its plans to construct a Hydropower Plant (HPP) along the Vjosa River. The claimants allege that the Ministry of Energy and Industry (MEI), Ministry of Environment and National Environment Agency acted illegally, particularly by disrespecting the spirit of the legal framework concerning public consultation and transparency, and violating administrative law. To substantiate their claim, the plaintiffs pointed to requirements of public consultation and information-sharing in Albanian law, the failure to carry out a Strategic Environmental Assessment, and incompatibilities with a number of administrative provisions. Reference was made to international and EU law, as well as the European Parliament’s April 2016 resolution, which called on Albania in paragraph 23 to control HPP projects in environmentally sensitive areas such as the Vjosa River, and increase transparency through public consultation and participation. As noted in the statement of claim, there is also an ongoing administrative procedure regarding the MEI’s refusal to disclose relevant information in this case. |
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Summary of key Commission infringement decisionsEuropean Commission Fact Sheet: November infringements package: key decisions EU and Canada sign CETACouncil of the EU Press Information: EU-Canada summit, Brussels, 30/10/2016 Also see: UN adopts new Urban AgendaHabitat3 website: The New Urban Agenda Also see: Outcome of the 17/10/2016 Environmental CouncilCouncil of the EU Press Information: Environment Council, 17/10/2016 Also see: |
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EEA report finds tougher measures needed on air pollutionEEA News: Stronger measures needed to tackle harm from air pollution Also see: UK government loses High Court air pollution caseThe Guardian: High court rules UK government plans to tackle air pollution are illegal Also see: |
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Commission proposes new energy efficiency targetsEuropean Commission Press Release: Clean Energy for All Europeans – unlocking Europe’s growth potential Also see: EU strategy for liquefied natural gas (LNG) discussed in EPEuropean Parliament Press Release: Gas: use EU storage capacity efficiently and forge trade partnerships, urge MEPs |
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MEPs adopt Catherine Bearder’s wildlife trafficking report, call for ivory trade banEuropean Parliament Press Release: MEPs call for ivory trade ban, penalties against wildlife trafficking Also see: First Wildlife Justice Commission (WJC) takes place at the Peace Palace in the HagueWJC website: Independent panel confirms that immediate action by the Vietnamese government is required to shut down wildlife trafficking networks in Viet Nam Also see: Agreement in Council on TAC for deep-sea fish stocksCouncil of the EU Press Release: Deep-sea fish stocks: agreement on catch limitations over 2017 and 2018 Also see: WWF publishes Living Planet Report 2016WWF News: World’s food and energy systems key to tackling global biodiversity decline Also see: MEPs endorse new rules on influx of plant pests in the EUEuropean Parliament Press Release: Plant health: MEPs step up fight against influx of pests to the EU Also see: |
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Commission press release on Food Waste plansEuropean Commission Press Release: Reducing food waste: the EU’s response to a global challenge Also see: EEA briefing on municipal waste management in EUEEA Briefing: Municipal waste management across European countries |
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Ross Sea becomes World’s largest Marine Protected AreaBBC News: World’s largest marine protected area declared in Antarctica Also see: EEA publishes report on lakes and rivers in European citiesEEA News: Restoring European rivers and lakes in cities improves quality of life Also see: |
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26 January 2017Programme update Event: HELF/VMR Conference “Trade and Sustainability: CETA Dissected” Confirmed speakers: Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22 Time: 14:00-16:00 hrs Click here for more information |
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Call for intern: Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER)The Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER), hosted by the T.M.C. Asser Instituut in The Hague, is looking for an intern starting in January 2017 for a period of at least three months, preferably full-time. Are you interested in EU external relations, a student or recent graduate in European law/studies or international relations, and do you have strong writing and editing skills? Click on the link below for more information! |
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Editors-in-ChiefWybe Th. Douma (Senior Researcher, T.M.C. Asser Instituut and Lecturer of Leonardo Massai (Senior Lecturer on International and EU Environmental Law, Catholic University of Lille) EditorsOlivier van Geel (T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague) Steffen van der Velde (Researcher, T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague) |