EEL News Service 2005/01, 14 January 2005

Best wishes for 2005 from the EEL team. We are working hard to get the new EEL Website in the air and will notify you on this in the near future. We will also be asking you for your opinion about the EEL Website and the News Service. Meanwhile, for those of you who would like to bring a new environmental publication, conference, dossier or vacancy to the attention of the readers of this News Service and the viewers of the EEL Website, please don´t hesitate to contact us.

Added to Documents page:
* 2632nd Council Meeting – Environment – Brussels, 20 December 2004
The Council adopted a Decision establishing financial contributions for 2005 to the European Development Fund (EDF) in order to finance aid projects in African, Caribbean and Pacific countries. A common position on a draft Directive on the quality of bathing water was adopted. A political agreement on a draft Directive on batteries and accumulators, a draft Regulation on the application of the provisions of Aarhus Convention to the European Community institutions and bodies and a draft Decision on the conclusion on behalf of the European Community of the Aarhus Convention was reached.

Added to Conferences page and upcoming conferences:
* 14 January 2005, Actualiteitendag Agrarisch Recht, Utrecht, the Netherlands
* 19 January 2005, Global Environmental Governance, Brussels, Belgium
* 20 January 2005, Actualiteiten Seminar Uitspraken Besluit Luchtkwaliteit, Utrecht, the Netherlands
* 24-28 January 2005, Biodiversity: Science and Governance, Paris, France
* 26-27 January 2005, SMI’s Emissions Trading Conference, London, UK
* 1-2 February 2005, Nationaal Bestuursakkoord Water in de praktijk, Utrecht, the Netherlands
* 17 February 2005, Actualiteitencongres Grondwater, Arnhem, the Nederlands
* 21-25 February 2005: UNEP – 23rd Session of the UNEP Governing Council / Global Ministerial Environmental Forum, Nairobi, Kenya
* 1-3 March 2005, Carbon Market Insight, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
* 7 April 2005: World Health Day
* 13-15 April 2005: OECD Environmental Policy Committee (EPOC), Paris, France
* 28-30 April 2005: 3R (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) Conference, Tokyo, Japan
* 16-27 May 2005: 5th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF), New York, USA
* 5 June 2005: World Environment Day, San Francisco, USA

Added to Links page:

* Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union In the “News” section of the Luxemburg Presidency website you will find the Presidency’s press releases, speeches and interviews of ministers of the Luxembourg Government, the CSFP statements as well as agenda, conclusions and other documents of the EU Council. The “Calendar” section provides you with an online overview of all events taking place during the Luxembourg Presidency. For each event, the calendar displays all online documents related to this event. The “Media Service” section offers targeted information for media professionals as well as an online accreditation tool. While the “Luxembourg Presidency” section compiles specific information about the Presidency (programme, priorities, logo, members of the Luxembourg Government, policy areas), the sections “About the EU” and “About Luxembourg” offer useful information related to the EU, and Luxembourg respectively.

Added to Reviews page:
* De toekomst van de m.e.r., Verslag van de 82e ledenvergadering van de Vereniging voor Milieurecht op 13 november 2003, J.H.Enter, N.S.J Koeman, C.M.Wood, Den Haag, 2004, 68 pag., 19 Euro


Wybe Th. Douma (T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)
Jens Hamer (Academy of European Law, Trier)

Daria Ratsiborinskaya (Institute of European law, MGIMO, Moscow)

Technical realisation:
Marco van der Harst, Julien J.M. Simon
(T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)