EEL News Service 2003/18, 20 November 2003

Added to Legislation page:

* At the end of October 2003, the Commission adopted its proposal on a new EC chemicals policy, entitled Registration, Evaluation, and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH). See the Internet Consulation page and the information page.

Added to Case law page:

* C-434/01, Commission v. United Kingdom

ECJ 6 November 2003, nyr

The claim about UK breaching the Habitat Directive 92/43/EEC was dismissed. Commission failed to provide sufficient evidence that the Directive was not correctly transposed into national law.

Added to Documents page:

* Communication from the Commission The Commission’s Legislative and Work Programme for 2004, COM(2003) 645 final of 29 October 2003

There will be new Commission legislative proposals on pollution by vehicle and chemical safety, as well as communications and strategies on subjects ranging from climate change and sustainable development to waste recycling and pesticide use.

* European Parliament Resolution of 3 September 2002 on Standardising and Rationalising Reports on Implementation of Directives on the Environment, Doc. P5_TA(2002)0389, OJC 272 E/275 of 2003

One way of checking whether directives and regulations are achieving results is the standardised reporting procedure on their implementation. EP notices serious flaws in Member States meeting their basic reporting obligations. Also the Commission websites do not provide systematic information on reporting nor an easy access to individual reports. The resolution recommends to separate out basic reporting on transposition from more subjective reporting on the effect of EU law on the state of the environment as well as introduce a more vigorous and rapid enforcement procedures.

Added to Dossiers page:

* New Directions in European Chemicals Policies: Drivers, Scope, and Status (October 2003)

The Lowell Center for Sustainable Production published an in depth analysis of the evolution of European chemicals policies. The report can serve as an important reference document on the drivers, scope and debates on European chemicals policy. The report can be found at website Chemicals Policy Initiative

in the LCSP reports section.

Added to Conference page:

* 19-21 November 2003, Labour Standards and Human Rights, Brussels, Belgium

* 8 December 2003, The Current State of EIA in Law & Custom, London, UK

* 19-21 January 2004, European Conference for Renewable Energy, Berlin, Germany

* 23-25 February 2004, Global Conference on Animal Welfare, Paris, France

* 26-29 September 2004, REWAS 2004, Global Symposium on Recycling Waste Treatment and Clean Technology, Madrid, Spain

Added to Who’s Who page:

* Prof. Kurt Deketelaere, Institute of Leuven, responsible for the National page on Belgium

* Fritz Kroiss, Okoburo, Vienna, responsible for the National page on Austria

* Leonardo Massai, responsible for the National page on Italy

* Michael Mehling, responsible for the National page on Germany and Finland



Wybe Th. Douma (T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)

Daria Ratsiborinskaya (Institute of European law, MGIMO-University, Moscow)

Technical realisation

Marco van der Harst, Julien J.M. Simon

(T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)
