EEL News Service 2004/07, 8 April 2004

Added to Case law page:

*C-201/03, Commission v Sweden

ECJ 30 March 2004, nyr

Sweden has failed to ensure that priority is given to the processing of waste oils by means of regeneration where technical, economic and organizational constraints allow so, thus not complying with 1975 Directive 75/439/EEC, amended by 1986 Directive 87/101/EEC on disposal of waste oils.

Added to Dossiers page, Environmental liability, Studies:

* Developments in Liability and Compensation post-Prestige

Added to Conferences page:

*5-7 April 2004, Forests and Forest Ecosystems: Promoting Synergy in the Implementation of the Three Rio Conventions, Viterbo, Italy

*2-6 May 2004, Fourth world fisheries congress, Vancouver, Canada

*3-14 May 2004, Fourth UN forum on forests, Geneva, Switzerland

*9 May – 26 September 2004, Forum Barcelona 2004, Barcelona, Spain

*11-12 May 2004, What’s the point of corporate responsibility? London, UK

*12 May 2004, Conference on reducers, Toronto, Canada

*14 May 2004, Devolving responsibility: EU multi-level environmental governance, Aberystwyth, Wales, UK

*1-4 June 2004, International conference for renewable energies, Bonn, Germany

*17-18 June 2004, Corporate Governance: Recent Developments, Maastricht, the Netherlands

*17-19 June 2004, Seventh Annual Conference on global economic analysis: trade, poverty, and the environment, Washington DC, US

*24-26 June 2004, European Business Ethics Network (EBEN), Enschede, the Netherlands



Wybe Th. Douma (T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)

Daria Ratsiborinskaya (Institute of European law, MGIMO-University, Moscow)

Technical realisation

Marco van der Harst, Julien J.M. Simon

(T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)
