EEL News Service 2003/16, 23 October 2003

Added to the National pages:* Update of links on the Italy page

Added to the Legislation page and to the National page, Czech Republic:

* Czech Act No. 76/ 2002 Coll. 1 March 2002 On integrated pollution prevention and control, on the integrated pollution register and on amendment to some laws (the Act on integrated prevention), in English

Added to the Case law page:

* C-182/02 Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux and Others v French Republic, ECJ 16 October 2003

The European Wild Birds Directive does not preclude national derogations allowing the hunting of wild birds during the periods when they receive particular protection, but the derogations can apply only to certain birds in small numbers.

Added to the Links page, under Governmental Organisations:

* EAP Task Force of the OECD

The Environmental Action Programme (EAP) Task Force brings together policy-makers from CEE, NIS and donor countries, as well as international institutions active in the region. Its attention is shifting towards what is now known as the EECCA countries: Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia.

Added to Documents page:

* Communication from the Commission Structural Indicators, COM (2003) 585 final of 9 October 2003

Among the indicators: greenhouse gas emissions, measuring whether the EU’s growth is sustainable in terms of its potential impact on climate change.

Added to Conferences page:

* 1-2 December 2003, Recent Trends in the Case Law of the European Courts: Latest Developments and Prospects for the Future, Luxembourg, Luxembourg

* 24 November 2003, Delivering Environmental Law in Contemporary Britain, London, Great Britain

* 21 November 2003, Recommendations on harmonising Russia’s environmental law and practice with that of the EC, Moscow, Russia

* 3-4 November 2003, OECD-INECE Expert Workshop on Environmental Compliance and Enforcement Indicators, Paris, France



Wybe Th. Douma (T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)

Daria Ratsiborinskaya (Institute of European law, MGIMO-University, Moscow)

Technical realisation

Marco van der Harst, Julien J.M. Simon

(T.M.C. Asser Institute, The Hague)
